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Embassy and Permanent Mission of the State of Eritrea in Geneva

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Science Diplomacy

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Science Diplomacy

Science diplomacy

Eritrea and Switzerland have embarked on an innovative partnership to foster scientific diplomacy through the establishment of a Transnational Red Sea Centre. This joint venture aims to leverage the region's unique geographical and ecological attributes, promoting research, environmental conservation, and sustainable development.

The cooperative effort underscores a shared commitment to harnessing science and diplomacy to address global challenges, particularly in areas related to marine biodiversity, climate change, and the sustainable use of maritime resources.

The Transnational Red Sea Centre serves as a platform for scientists, researchers, and policymakers from both nations and the broader international community. Its mission is multifaceted, focusing on conducting cutting-edge research, facilitating scientific exchanges, and developing capacity-building programs.

By bringing together experts from diverse fields, the Centre aims to foster a multidisciplinary approach to understanding and solving regional and global environmental issues. The initiative provides a unique opportunity for both countries to lead by example, demonstrating how collaborative efforts can transcend political and cultural differences for the greater good of humanity and the planet.

The Red Sea corals have been nicknamed the Reefs of Hope.