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Embassy and Permanent Mission of the State of Eritrea in Geneva

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Legalization of documents

Legalization involves verifying the origin of the relevant document. It is the official confirmation that the civil servant who has signed a document or the seal or stamp on the document is legitimate.

The Embassy legalizes standard documents such as:

  • Certificate (Birth, Death, marriage, divorce decree, registration, police certificate of character, non-impediment to marriage, university diplomas/Degrees, etc.)
  • Eritrean passport.
  • Commercial documents (Export certificates, manufacturing certificates, certificates of compliance …etc.).
  • Certified English translations of all documents in foreign languages are required.
  • Copy of Aufenthaltstitl (Swiss Residence permit).
  • Copy of Meldebescheinigung (Proof of address).
  • Documents without the Signatures and Seals of the Notary Public or the relevant authorized agency/Institution will not be processed.
  • Please contact the Embassy if you require the legalization of a document that is not listed above.


  • Original document to be legalized and a color copy.
  • Valid Photo Identification (color copy of Identification card or passport).
  • Original certificate of marriage or any other relevant document- if there was a change of name other than what is stated on the document to be legalized (e.g. certificate of Birth, Passport, Certificate of character, etc.)
  • Note that: the legalization process can take approximately five working days, but can vary on a case-by-case basis.