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Embassy and Permanent Mission of the State of Eritrea in Geneva

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Bilateral relations

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Bilateral relations

Eritrea-Switzerland relations

Eritrea and Switzerland, though geographically 4,566 km apart and different in many ways, have maintained diplomatic relations that have evolved over the years. This relationship is marked by mutual respect. The bilateral relations were established by Switzerland in June 1993, days after Eritrea was declared an independent and sovereign country on 27 April 1993, following the referendum. Switzerland not only welcomed the referendum but also sent six Swiss observers to join the UN mission, which monitored the referendum.

Switzerland has been involved in humanitarian aid and development cooperation since the days of Eritrea’s armed struggle for independence in the 1980s. Many Swiss citizens were moved by the Eritrean cause and organized fundraising events, rallies, and informational campaigns to draw international attention to the situation in Eritrea. Through their activities, Swiss nationals involved in SUKE contributed to the Eritrean cause, providing both moral and material support. This support came in various forms, including humanitarian aid, advocacy, and raising awareness about Eritrea's fight for self-determination.


Additionally, some Swiss nationals volunteered in Eritrea, providing medical assistance, educational support, and other forms of aid to those affected by the conflict. Examples include the Geneva-based Association Suisse Enfance Erythree (Swiss-Eritrean Association for Children). This solidarity with the Eritrean people showcased the deep connections and mutual respect between the Swiss supporters and the Eritrean independence movement.

Economic relations, though not as robust as those with some other countries, also form part of the bilateral ties. Cultural exchanges and educational cooperation also highlight the relationship between Eritrea and Switzerland. Cultural events, academic exchanges, and scholarship programs offer opportunities to deepen mutual understanding. Such initiatives can help build people-to-people connections that strengthen bilateral ties beyond the governmental level.

Development cooperation has also been a component of the bilateral relations between Eritrea and Switzerland. Switzerland has engaged in various projects and initiatives to support development in Eritrea.

On the diplomatic front, Switzerland and Eritrea have engaged in dialogue and exchanges at various levels. These engagements can contribute to a better understanding between the two countries and facilitate cooperation in various areas of mutual interest.